One of the keys to maintaining a fit and trim body is by controlling how you react to your hunger. It is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle even if you do indulge your cravings occasionally. The problems begin when a person overindulges their cravings and cannot say no to them. Here are a few simple tips on how to deal with food cravings. Weight loss programs such as the one at six pack ab exercise program can produce tremendous results, but any program can be quickly derailed if a person does not exhibit any type of self control when faced with the desire to eat something.
Don’t give in to the feeling that you need to snack. Believe it or not, you can simply wait out a craving. By saying no to yourself, you can avoid mistaking a urge to eat something for a need to eat something and simply waiting it out might solve the issue. It is possible that after a few minutes pass, you may still feel the need for food and this could mean that you are truly hungry. Or, you may find the craving disappears altogether. Get your mind on something else, take a walk, write in your journal, play a game or go online to the $LINK2% and see how other people are avoiding giving in to their cravings. The only thing you have to lose is the feeling that you had to have food that was not going to help your weight loss program.
Get a drink. A glass of water, that is. Something as simple as a tall cup of ice water is one of the easiest ways to resist other temptations. A lack of water is often mistaken as a need for some other type of nourishment or urge. If you can soothe the urges for food that you might have with water, you will be adding something to you body that does not add to your fat. It may be just what you need.
Give in, but limit it to a small amount. By succumbing to our wants, we have acted without thought. When you act impulsively you have lost some control. It is difficult to gain the control back that is required in a weight loss program once you have fell for the urge. Don’t give in to the craving without thinking about it. Try putting some mindful eating techniques to use. If you decide to satisfy your craving, do it on a smaller scale. Never allow yourself to sit down with an entire carton of ice cream or a whole bag of chips. Take some out of the bag and put it into a small bowl to control the portion size. Better still, purchase small portions to begin with. You will see that the urge disappears just as well with a small piece as it does with a full plate. By putting smaller amounts on the plate you can stop yourself from overindulging. Don’t forget that you cheated a little when you exercise later and extend the length of your to make up for the extra calories that you took in. It might give you the incentive to skip the food the next time you have the urge to snack.
Keep it real. Try to make the right choice for yourself. Don’t try to fool yourself into believing that your diet snack is as good as a piece of cake. You won’t believe yourself and should think about having a little of what you really want. Allow yourself to indulge in what you really want and you will not feel deprived. The problem people run into when they are dieting is that they are constantly telling themselves no so that when they do give in to their urges they lose all control and overdo it and ruin all of the work they have done. If a person gives into the urges for food they might not be able to lose the weight they want, however if they control them they can get the results they want.
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