Saturday, September 6, 2008

Top 10 Exercise Myths

Innumerable researches are being done in the modern world about nutrition, exercise and the human body. Some of this research has confirmed what we are already applying in our regular life, things like, a healthy diet and regular exercise which helps one to live long and prosper. There is also negative aspect in our daily application. Some research, however, has proved that some “common wisdom” about exercise is just apparently wrong.

Here are ten myths that you are not recommended to:

1. Lifting weights makes you bulk up. Actually, this is true—if you are male. Women do not have the biochemistry necessary to develop big, bulky muscles. They will get stronger, but not bulkier.

2. Is it inevitable to gain weight as you age? It is a false notion. People gain weight as they age because they become more sedentary and their metabolic rate drops. Weight gain is not inevitable.

3. As fat people are not fit, have you to lose weight before you can get in shape? Again this is a false notion. Fitness has to do with flexibility, muscle strength, endurance and cardiovascular endurance. This does not concern with how fat you are. Fat people may not look fit, but some are in pretty good shape. Getting in shape will also help you to lose weight faster because it makes your body burn calories faster.

4. Is that true no pain, no gain? This is absolutely not. You should not hurt before, during or after exercise. Some mild, transient muscle soreness may occur in the first few times you work out. But it should not persist.

5. If you don’t exercise regularly, there’s no point in exercising at all? Nay, it is not true. Of course, it’s ideal to exercise regularly. But anything at all is better than nothing at all.

6. Old people can’t exercise? Exercise has definite benefits for older people. If you have health problems or haven’t exercised in a while, though, you should check with your doctor and discuss what kind of exercise will be most beneficial for you. There may be some kinds of exercise you should avoid.

7. You can get a flat tummy (or butt or firm thighs, etc) by working those muscles! This one is true. If you are lean and trim, you can improve the appearance of your tummy or backside with resistance training. If, however, you have a thick layer of fat over your abs and gluts, your tummy won’t get flat. It will, however, get strong, and that will help your posture and prevent back injuries.

8. Always stretch along before exercising. Recent research indicates that stretching before a workout doesn’t do any good, and may even limit your performance slightly.

9. Everybody benefits from exercise! True, in some ways. Everybody does get some benefit from exercise. But not everybody gets the same benefit. People have a range of different responses to exercise

10. You can’t exercise if….. Just about everybody can do some kind of exercise? They do passive exercises on people who are unconscious and on breathing machines in the hospital. Many people have exercise limitations, but everybody benefits from moving about a little bit.